Our vision

Providing professional and integrated legal services to clients, with the aim of preserving their rights and time, and avoiding judicial disputes as much as possible, in accordance with the rules of professional conduct stipulated in the Saudi law firm system.

Our services

Foreign investor's services

Shehab Al-Saleh Law Firm and Legal Consultations provides support services to external investors in the following: Support for goals and direct contact with farmers.

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خدمات اجراءات وزارة التجارة

 انشئ شركتك معنا بطريقة سهلة وسريعة. نقدم هذه الخدمة لمساعدة المنشآت والمستثمرين  الجدد من خارج وداخل المملكة وذلك لتجميع المستندات اللازمة والدعم الشامل للمعاملات بشكل إحترافي وقانوني سوف نكون معك خلال عملية تشكيل الشركة بأكملها

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Business and corporate services

Shehab Al-Saleh Law Firm and Legal Consultations provides a wide range of services to companies and institutions, and we are proud to provide the best company establishment services of the highest quality and speed of completion in record time, through an expert legal staff in the commercial field and for local or foreign businesses, starting with the procedures until the start.

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Shehab Al-Saleh Law Firm and Legal Consultations provides legal advice regarding labor rights with a comprehensive explanation of the worker’s entitlements

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Intellectual property services IP &IT

Shehab Al-Saleh Law Firm and Legal Consultations has experts licensed by the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property to provide services

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who are we

Why do customers choose us?

Our dedication to serving our clients makes us treat their cases as if they were our own affairs, by providing ideal professional legal support that guarantees their interests and legal status, in order to help them avoid any legal consequences by directing them through accurate legal advice.

Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We are an emerging law firm that aims to use our knowledge, experience and intellectual power to find innovative solutions to overcome complex business challenges. We actively encourage creativity and self-development for our team, with the aim of attracting and retaining the best talented lawyers to ensure the success of our clients.

Customer consulting
Successful cases
Refunds for customers


شهاب الصالح محامي خبير سبق له العمل في عدد من شركات المحاماة المعروفة في المملكة و التي كانت تقدم خدمات قانونية متنوعة للشركات و الافراد ، و هو مؤسس مكتب شهاب الصالح للمحاماة و الاستشارات القانونية وعضو في الهيئة السعودية للمحامين ، ليكون مكتبا تخصصا في تقديم الاستشارات القانونية للعملاء في المجال التجاري و البحري و العمالي ، و لتمثيل العملاء أمام القطاعات القضائية والحكومية والخاصة.

Shehab also leads several consultants in several companies, and is a member of several charities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Work Team

CEO , Attorney

Shehab Al-Saleh

Legal researcher

Abdul Hamid Al-Jaziri

Education and registration in the trade union body

Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University

Member of the Saudi Bar Association

Consultant at the Oran International Arbitration Organization

contact information

562921263 (966) 


Book an appointment for a consultation

The law is a complex issue. It can cause a big problem. Let us help you!

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